Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In God's Hands

I'd like to start off with a special recognition: Tori is my best friend and words can't describe how much she means to me and how glad I am that she's in my life! And I could write so much more, but it'd never do her justice. 

Well, Thanksgiving break is over. aaaaand it's not Christmas break yet. These next three or so weeks are a bit like purgatory. We're almost in heaven, but not quite. Just kidding, it's not purgatory. It's hell

Professors are trying to make up for the time lost last week, as well as cram the last bits of the syllabus in. 

Everybody is, understandably, stressed

It's really tempting to just let our minds slip into this sort of mindset, and just coast until finals. But then we'd have a bit of a problem. We can't ignore the work, or give up...but that doesn't mean we have to freak out about it. 

Why? Because God's got this one. He said so.

"Cast your care upon the Lord, who will give you support. God will never allow the righteous to stumble."
-Psalm 55:23

"Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"
-Philippians 4:6-7

When Christ was crucified, He carried with Him all of our sins, all of our cares, all of our worries. He took them upon Himself . We don't have to be stressed about anything, because Jesus has already accomplished it for us.

Whatever trials we face, whatever battles, we are not alone. 

Maybe our indecision isn't something as immediate as two weeks of homework...maybe it's bigger. Vaster. Maybe rather than "I have so much to do" we are worried that "Maybe I'm not in the right major" or "What am I going to do with my life?" It is in these moments as well that we must rely totally on God. 

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." 
-John 8:12
"E 'n la sua volontade รจ nostra pace." ("In His will is our peace")
-Dante Alighieri, Paradiso

Whatever it is, whatever's bothering you, just remember God's got this. 

On a completely (sorta) unrelated note, today at SFU is love your neighbor day! That means a bunch of us campus min kids are running around doing random acts of kindness around campus - there was free hot cocoa outside Padua this morning, several of us were running around Torvian refilling drinks and taking dishes. Later, I'll be handing out random nice notes to people in the Library. 

Let's do something weird. Let's make every day love your neighbor day! Not as official as today, but just a bunch of us doing random good deeds. Cause we're cool like that.

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